I have written a few posts now including several that included crafty projects. And somewhere along this short way, I have earnt the unwarrented title of SuperMum with a couple of my lovely readers. So I thought I should set the record straight early on in the piece.
I started this blog to share with you the things I love .... my family, crafty fun and my organising projects. These are the things that make me happy and fulfilled but please know that this is only a small part of my life. What you don't get to see on here, is the day to day struggles that go on in my household as they do, no doubt, in yours.
And like mums the world over (and I know I am generalising here but I am pretty sure I am right) I have bad days, I yell at my girls much more than I (and I suspect they) would like, I get caught up wasting time on the computer instead of spending time with them and I worry about whether I'm doing a good enough job of being a mum. These are the types of things that us mums worry about. (Feel free to add your own list here.)
But I aspire to be a SuperMum, I really do. I love the thought that I could have a perfectly tidy home, that my girls would keep their bedrooms neat, that I would never have washing spilling out of laundry hampers and on to the floor, that I would always have nutritious meals on the dinner table at a reasonable time and that my children would say "sure Mum" to my every request rather than launching into a protracted dialogue with me. What a perfect world that would be. But it's not very realistic I'm sure you will agree.
What I do love though it to visit other people's blogs and to talk to real people about what works for them at their house. I am always looking to incorporate new ideas into our home and lives that might make things easier, more fun or more beautiful. None of us is SuperMum but we can help ourselves along a little by sharing these ideas and our stories. Besides, if I was a SuperMum, what would my girls have to tell their therapists as they get older? This way the therapist will have the perfect reason (or lots of them) to blame all their shortcomings on their mum! lol.
All the mums received a little card at kinder a couple of years ago and I keep it on my desk as a reminder, it says simply "You are doing a great job". No one ever promised that being a mum would be easy, just that it would be worthwhile.