Monday, 11 February 2013

A Trip Down Memory Lane

I have been on a mission since we returned from our summer holidays: to declutter the house of all the items we do not use or love. I have, of course, tried this many times in the past but this year I have my serious hat on. No cupboard is safe. It is time for all those unused items to go. That is until I reached the cupboard that has housed all my baby clothes. 4 precious, beautiful girls equals a LOT of clothes I can assure you. And each one is a trip down memory lane as I recall who gave it to us as a gift or what occasion/s it was worn on. I dare say I could give you this information for almost every item of clothing my girls own. So, what to do with it all?

For us, we are done having babies {sigh} but these items really tug at my heartstrings and I have struggled to let them go. I have put aside one special outfit that I associate with each of my girls as a tiny baby to keep in their memory boxes but that didn't seem to be quite enough. And so back into the cupboard it went.

I recently came across a lovely idea that I think might just be the answer to my sentimental side. It is called a memory quilt. I have seen them made out of favourite t-shirts before but never thought about making one out of those favourite baby clothes. My heart sang when I saw this. It was just what I have been looking for; a way to preserve those items I love but in a new, practical form.

I am pleased to report that I have now sorted through ALL my baby clothes (many, many tubs full!) and I have put aside the special pieces I want to include in my memory quilt. All of the others I have either listed on a local Buy, Swap, Sell site or given away. You cannot believe the amount of cupboard space I have reclaimed. And I feel like a weight has been lifted too.

I can't wait to start assembling my own memory quilt. It will be something I can treasure forever. I may even use it to cover my grandchildren one day. Who knows?

(* Photos of memory quilts from

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