Monday 23 January 2012

The decluttering bug

Oh, how much I can do without!

I have just spent the past 3 weeks living in our caravan with only the basics. Half a dozen kitchen utensils,  a small toiletry bag with bathroom and make-up supplies, one bag of clothes for each family member and  a few toys and games for each of the girls. And do you know what? I didn't miss a thing that I had left at home. Life is simple when you are away on holidays ... there are fewer choices and it works just fine.

Then I came home to our housefull of STUFF! It didn't help that we left a day or so after Christmas and the influx of new items that brings to our family of 6. (Nor the birthday gifts of not one but two of our precious girls owing to a lack of strategic family planning on mine and David's part ... really, a December and a January baby? Why wasn't I thinking June or July where major gift giving occasions would be spaced more evenly through the year? Search me.)

I get the decluttering bug everytime we get home from our summer holidays. I think it is something to do with the New Year / fresh start thing I mentioned yesterday. Nothing is safe - wardrobes, drawers, toy cupboards, art supplies - it all gets cleaned out. One of my resolutions this year is that if I don't love it or use it regularly .... out it goes! I am trying to teach this to the girls too, at least 2 of whom are absolute packrats. We don't need to keep every piece of paper they have ever drawn on or every McDonald's Happy Meal toy. We have had significant success today. I will share the photos soon.

Hopefully by the time they return to school in 10 days or so, we will have tackled most rooms and hot spots for clutter. Then we can get on with the fun stuff ..... cooking, crafting and having fun together (and hopefully a little relaxing for mum too!) Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. I'm on a long term de-cluttering mission, lol! It's a work in progress..... :D
