Saturday 21 January 2012

Happy New Year!

I'm back after a lovely summer break with my family. I hope that you all were able to enjoy some time of relaxation in preparation for what will surely be another busy year.

And on that note, Happy New Year! Oh how I love the start of the new year. I honestly love everything about it - goal setting, resolutions, a fresh start. My focus for 2012 is going to be largely close to home and close to my heart - my family. I want to do what I usually do but do it better; to be a better wife, mother, cook better meals and be a better manager of our home. I am going to try not to take on too many outside or random projects (I am not very good at saying 'no').

I have spent most of the summer break with my trusty notebook and planner by my side jotting down ideas as they come to me. This year will see my gorgeous Bec start Prep at school so I will be down to just one of my girls with me at home (and no kinder - hooray! My girls love kinder but I spend a lot of time in the car running backwards and forwards so I am looking forward to dropping them all off in the one location each morning and picking them all up from the same place each afternoon.) I am hoping that this will help me to be more organised and squeeze more from each day.

The start of the new year also sees me fly into organisational mode like a tornado!! We are busy sorting out desks and homework centres, cleaning out cupboards and of course I have a few projects for my long-suffering hubby to build for me too (more about those in coming days).

So, what are your plans for 2012? What are you planning to accomplish this year?


  1. My mission this year is one of de-cluttering. De-cluttering the gardens, de-cluttering the Kitchen and most importantly de-cluttering the Bedrooms. If it's broken or does not have a place, it is off to a new home. I have already been to Ikea this year to kick start my organising and plan to head back there very soon.

    1. Oh I do love Ikea. I need a trip there soon - I have plans for the wall in my bedroom :) Good luck with your decluttering Kel

  2. GLad you are back... I've missed your posts! My goal for the year is Simplicity and yes that includes lots of decluttering!

    1. Thanks Jen - I think there is going to be a lot of decluttering going on this year :)

  3. Hey it was so lovely to catch up with you when you were over in the West....look forward to seeing what you are getting up to this year. xx

    1. It was great to see you too Bron. And Merran & Renae ... xx
