Wednesday 25 April 2012

Organising with Post-It Notes

I have been doing some of my favourite things today .... moving furniture, rearranging things and getting rid of clutter! It's been a great day really. I'm sure my darling hubby would tell you that I jump into these things with little thought but I actually spend a lot of time planning and measuring before I ever move anything. I try to think through how I use the space (or want to use it), what has worked and what I can change to make it work better.

Today I have been working on my craft studio which is quite a large space and has a lot of storage (read a lot of clutter!) I am not quite up to photographing this space yet, in fact, I will probably be working my way through the debris for the next 2 or 3 days or so. But as I use the same technique for any space I reorganise, I thought I would share some pictures I took earlier in the week. This is my overflow pantry.

If it is at all possible (and it is not always) my first step is to empty out the space I am organising completely. Many of the organising books / tips I have read suggest that you start with a shelf or a small area. I much prefer the all in method. This way, I really know what is in the space (even in the back corners).

Next comes the planning for what is going to go back into the space. I am just slightly obsessed with post-it notes but they are so handy! I write all the items that need to be stored on them. I like that I can move them around to plan my space on my kitchen bench and then move them to the area that is being organised while I put everything back.

And back it goes! Now I must get back to the mess I have made downstairs but I promise I will share pics once it is all complete. Happy organising!

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