Tuesday 20 March 2012

Sand Art

School holidays are fast approaching and I am thinking about activities I can do with the girls. This is one that we did a while back but I thought I would share it as the girls really enjoyed it. They had asked on several occasions to do sand art when we have been at fairs and the like. The jars are pretty but it is a very quick activity .... they pour the sand into the jar in different coloured layers, it is all done and then you hand over the money. So I was very excited when I discovered that they could make it themselves at a fraction of the price and we would get a longer lasting activity out of it too.

You will need a bag of table salt, coloured chalk, a sheet of paper and some glass jars for this activity. A word from the wise: You will NOT need a 10kg bag of table salt! Been there, done that.  A little goes a long way. The jars in my photo I found at Ikea (love that store) and were quite inexpensive but you can use any size or shaped jar you like.

To colour the salt, spread a small amount on a sheet of paper. Then just rub the side of the chalk over it until it is all coloured. The more you rub it with the chalk, the darker the salt will be. Then bend the paper in the middle and use it as a shute to put the sand into the jar. Repeat with as many colours as you like. Easy.

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